A sacrament is an outward and visible sign instituted by Christ to impart an inward and invisible grace. Jesus Christ himself is the sacrament, as he gave his life to save mankind and gave us these sacraments to help us lead a A Christian Life.
The sacrament of Baptism makes us part of the mystical body of Christ (CCC 1272), cleanses us from original sin through the regeneration by water (CCC 1213), and is necessary for Salvation (CCC 1257). In this Bible Study we will take a further look at the Catholic understanding of this important sacrament and find the clear teachings of Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture that support this understanding.
John 1:32 ; Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16; John 3:5; 1 Cor 12:13; Col 2:11-12;
1 Pet 3:21; G
en. 17:12, Lev. 12:3, Col 2:11-12; Matt. 18:2-5, Matt 19:14; Acts 16:15
The presentation on Baptism was given in the context of the Lenten Mission held by the St. Damien's Parish (formerly St. Sophia's church) on Molokai. To listen to the entire day's presentation, which including the biblical basis for Lent, Confession, Baptism, Suffering, Fasting, and Indulgences, listen to the Mp3 below.