Catholic Tradition of Lighting Bonfires

The practice of lighting bonfires has root in Catholic tradition. St. Patrick promoted the practice of lighting bonfires to commemorate the resurrection of Christ and on the Twelfth Night (Of Christmas) there was a tradition of lighting 12 bonfires to honor the Twelve Apostles. There is also a perennial tradition of blessing bonfires on St John’s Eve (cf John 1:7)The Church blesses such fires, praying God that the faithful may overcome the darkness of the world and reach the “indefectible light”

Blessing for bonfires from the Rituale Romanum: "O Lord God, Father almighty, unfailing Ray and Source of all light, sanctify this new fire, and grant that after thedarkness of this life we may come unsullied to thee, Who are Light eternal. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."

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