The Holy Father, in “Evangelii Gaudium”, challenged the laity to stay true to
the Church's central
mission of preaching
"the beauty of the saving love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ". Modern advancement in technology has given us the opportunity to take on this challenge and to fulfill the call of the “New
Evangelization” , championed by Pope John Paul II, by using modern
methods of catechesis to bring Christ
to all people.
With this in mind I am
currently working on a project with the Diocese of Honolulu to create a Catechetical Video Series. The initial goal of the series is the creation of 4 catechetical videos based on the core theology modules required by the Diocese
for basic catechetical certification. The hope is that the completed videos
will be dynamic, effective, and uniquely depictive of our island
culture. Here is a short snippet of an early trailer we have