LA Religious Education Congress 2016

After a long journey I am finally home from the 2016 LA Religious Education Congress in Anaheim California. I had the opportunity to meet so many awesome people who truly have a desire to love and serve our Lord. It was an honor to be able to share some of knowledge on catechetical methodology with those that came to my break out sessions. 

Mahalo for your patience as I was putting together the notes from each of my presentations. You will see two links below. One for my 'Using Technology to Deliver Ancient Truths in the Modern World' and another for me 'Reaching the Multitudes' 

Please be sure to visit those links at the end of the week as well (By March 6th) I will create a Screen Shot Video personally reviewing the Powerpoint presentations as well as sharing some further insights on the topics.

Lastly, please contact me if you would like to schedule a ZOOM conference to go over any aspect of the technologies I went over in order to better fit your needs. You can contact me at as well as directly at 808-223-3249