Anglicanorum Coetibus - Bld. John Henry Newman Parish

A few weeks ago, while I was in California, I attended my very first  ʻAnglicanorum Coetibusʻ Ordinariate mass at Blessed John Henry Newman Parish in Irvine. It was awesome. It was done Ad Orientem and used what seemed to be a direct translation of the 1962 Missal , especially from the Preface onward. 

Interestingly enough they were celebrating the feast of the Chair of St. Peter (which happens to be the patron of their Ordinariate) and the priest spoke on the beauty of the papacy BUT also the limits of the charism of infallibility. Fr. Bartus is an excellent priest and I highly recommend going to visit his parish if you are ever in the Irvine area.

If you have never heard of 'Anglicanorum Coetibus' it is the Apostolic Constitution of Benedict XVI wherein he provided persnonal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering full communion with Rome. you can read the original document HERE