Teaching the Faith & St. Michael School's Story

There are many things I do either professionally or as a hobby that I love... BJJ, card magic, wine making, sharing the Hawaiian culture, building businesses, writing, speaking, just to name a few.

Nothing compares, however, to the love I have for teaching the Faith. 

From teaching kindergarteners all the way to post graduate adults in our diocese and around the world it has and will always be my passion #lexcredendi#baltimorecatechismftw #Hebrews13:8

Our first year as a new admin, faculty, staff (last school year) was quite the adventure. We began with the goal of putting an emphasis on building and nurturing a faithful and orthodox Catholic identity on the campus. We achieved this by having daily rosary opportunities, daily angelus prayers, weekly Mass, frequent opportunity for access to confession, frequent adoration & benediction, many celebrations of the great feast days of the saints, and a solid catechetical program. 

This all resulted in 22 students at the school converting to the Catholic Faith! We had 17 baptisms and 5 other converts. Praise God! Check out this short interview I did with Christ Stefanick (of EWTN's Real Life Catholic) about the movement of God Holy Spirit at our school - https://youtu.be/mVWS2cNpU98